Groupe de Contact FNRS "Calcul Intensif"
10th CÉCI Scientific Meeting, May 4th 2018, Université de Namur
13h30 Welcome & Introduction.
C. Michiels (VRR, UNamur), B. Champagne (UNamur) and C. Geuzaine (ULiege)
13h45 Keynote speech:
Development of large e-infrastructures in Czech Republic.
B. Jansík, IT4Innovations Czech national supercomputing center
14h30 Sysadmin presentation: CÉCI news
A. Lozano (Logisticien CÉCI)
14h45 High performance computing for demographic evolutions using agent based modelling
M. Dumont, Namur Institute for Complex Systems (naXys), UNamur.
15h00 Fundamental parameters of massive stars: the super-computer era.
L. Mahy, Groupe d'AstroPhysique des Hautes Energies (GAPHE), ULiege
15h15 Coffee break
15h45 DrawMol and co, new graphical programs to visualize and interpret molecular properties.
V. Liégeois, Chemistry Department, Namur Institute of Structured Matter (NISM), UNamur.
16h00 Modeling self-assembly directed by supramolecular interactions.
M. Mognetti, Physics of Complex Systems and Statistical Mechanics, ULB.
16h15 Optimization by a genetic algorithm of computationally expensive problems in optical engineering.
A. Mayer, Physics Department, NISM, naXys, UNamur.
16h30 Modelling the hardness of nitrogen-implanted glass: A combined DFT and MD study.
J. Idé, Chimie des matériaux nouveaux, UMons.
16h45 Assembly of scandalous Adineta vaga genome
J. Narayan, Unité de recherche en biologie environnementale et évolutive (URBE), UNamur.
17h00 Training Hierarchical Variational Models of Human Behaviour in Julia.
V. Moens, Systems & cognitive Neuroscience, UCL.
17h15 Drink.
Room CH01, Batiment de Physique et Chimie (Building 18, Ground floor)
Sentier Thomas 5000 Namur Access
Registration is free but mandatory, before Tuesday, April 26th, through the following web form