Groupe de Contact FNRS "Calcul Intensif"

11th CÉCI Scientific Meeting, Thursday, April 25, 2019, Université Libre de Bruxelles


13h00 Welcome & Introduction.

B. Knaepen (ULB) and C. Geuzaine (ULiège).

13h10 Keynote 1: Getting scientific software installed using EasyBuild. [Slides]

K. Hoste, HPC system administrator, UGent.

13h45 Big Data infrastructure: What matters and what to expect?

M. Waumans, Shared ICT Services Centre, ULB. [Slides]

14h05 I want to distribute my software developments. How to define an open licencing strategy?

S. Adam, ADRE & LIEU, UCLouvain. [Slides]

14h25 Efficient parametric computations using ensemble propagation for high dimensional finite element models.

K. Liègeois, Computational and Stochastic Modeling, ULiège.

14h45 Singularity: Using containers on CÉCI clusters. [Slides]

O. Mattelaer, CISM, UCLouvain.

15h05 Coffee break.

15h35 Keynote 2: Scientific post hoc and in situ visualization from massively parallel

scale-resolving simulations of complex turbulent flows.

M. Rasquin, CENAERO.

16h10 Sysadmin presentation: CÉCI news [Slides]

A. Lozano, Logisticien CÉCI.

16h30 Surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithms.

J. Blanchard, naXys, UNamur.

16h50 On-Board-Unit Data: A Big Data platform for scalable storage and processing.

G. Buroni, Machine Learning Group, ULB.

17h10 Large eddy Simulation of diluted combustion in micro gas turbines.

A. Pappa, UMons

17h30 Closing drink.


Building NO - 5Th Floor - Room Solvay (P.2NO.507)
Université Libre de Bruxelles - Campus la Plaine
Boulevard du Triomphe, Accès 2
1050 Bruxelles
Campus map
Access map (parking)


Registration is free but mandatory, before Friday, April 19, through the following web form